Douglas Kirk Cline
Horry County Fire Rescue
Breakout: Onboarding the Future of the Volunteer Fire Service
Anthony Correia
NJ State Fire Chiefs Association
Breakout: Character, Attitude & Values Before Hoselines Halligans and Hurst Tools
Rebecca Husted
Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue, INC
Breakout: Toned Out for A Large Animal Rescue - What Now?
Todd A Leiss
Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission
Breakout: Beyond TIM Training - The Need to Plan, Train, Communicate & Respond Effectively to Roadway Emergencies
Thomas D Miller MA, LPC, ALPS
West Side Volunteer Fire Department, St. Albans, WV
Breakout: Hybrid & EV Awareness - Parts I & II
Command Institute-Center for Fireground Leadership (USA)
Breakout: The Influence of Building Construction on Decision-Making and Fireground Safety