Robert Brandt
Boulder Crest Institute for Posttraumatic Growth
Struggle Well: Thriving in the Aftermath of Trauma

Daniel Chapek
Weston Volunteer Fire & Rescue Department
Unlock the Power of AI: Boost Efficiencies in Recruitment, Retention, and Leadership

Kim Clausing
North Tooele Fire Protection Service District
Diversified Approach to Volunteer Recruitment, Retention, and Development

Douglas K. Kirk Cline, BSW, NRP, CFO, MIFireE
Horry County Fire Rescue
Understanding Live Fire Training Requirements and NFPA 1403

Dr. Ken Fowler, EdD
University of Kansas Fire & Rescue Training Institute
Leadership in Rural Volunteer Fire Companies: Challenges and Strategies for Fire Chiefs

Chief Dan Kramer
First Due Leadership Consulting
Generational Differences in the Fire Service: A Millennial Chief’s Experience

Dr. Candice McDonald
Cumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen's Association
From Rookie to Resilient: Empowering Mentors and Mentees in the Volunteer Fire Service

Pamela Rogers
City of Moscow - Moscow Volunteer Fire Department
The Volunteer Assembly Line - Onboarding Your New Firefighters & EMTs

Mr. Tiger Schmittendorf
Erie County NY Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Services
WAKE-UP CALL: If You're Not Focused on Volunteer Retention & Recruitment–-What are You Focused On?

James Zeeb
Kansas Fire & Rescue Training Institute
Leadership in Rural Volunteer Fire Companies: Challenges and Strategies for Fire Chiefs