Registration Details

Early Bird Pricing (through August 20)*

  • Director                                                           $250
  • State Association Representative              $250
  • Spouse/Guest                                                $75

*Payment must be received by the early bird deadline in order to get the discount.

Registration (August 21-September 22)

  • Director                                                           $350
  • State Association Representative              $350
  • Spouse/Guest                                                $100

Corporate Members

Pricing for corporate members is based on membership and meeting sponsorship level. Please register and if there is a fee, NVFC will contact you. Corporate members and sponsors are welcome to participate in all meetings (except Executive Sessions), meals, and special events such as the auction, sponsored dinner, and receptions. Optional events with additional fees must be paid by member/sponsor.

Purchase Orders/Invoices

Need an invoice? Please contact Lorraine Higgins at

Cancellations:  All cancellations will be subject to a $50 administrative fee. Cancellations must be sent in writing via e-mail to by Sept. 5, 2024, to receive a refund. Telephone cancellations will not be accepted. Substitutions will be allowed in the event the registrant is unable to attend – and telephone substitutions will be permitted. Extenuating circumstances will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis with written request received no later than Sept. 30, 2024. Refunds are not available for “no shows.”

Notice of on-site event filming and photography: Click here to view the event filming and photography notice.